OpenMP info Welcome to OMP Jupyter Book — OpenMP Application Programming Interface Examples

My recent terminal setting Alacritty env: TERM: xterm-256color selection: save_to_clipboard: true window: dimensions: columns: 90 lines: 24 padding: x: 2 y: 2 font: size: 13 normal: family: 'Iosevka' style: Regular bold: family: 'Iosevka' …

homebrew (macOS Monterey) brew install wget brew install tmux brew install coreutils brew install gnu-tar brew install imagemagick brew install gnuplot brew install ripgrep brew install fd brew install htop brew install --cask xquartz brew…

Terminal alacritty GitHub - alacritty/alacritty: A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.

Font Iosevka GitHub - be5invis/Iosevka: Versatile typeface for code, from code.

When VSCode "Install in SSH" doesn't work Check proxy settings in .bashrc, .zshrc, etc, and .wgetrc of remote host Close local VSCode Kill all processes of ps ax|grep vscode-server on remote host Start local VSCode connecting remote host

Behaviour different in 3.9.0-15_osxarm64_openblas than previous versions It seems safer the follows: conda install openblas="0.3.18"

No header files in conda package of openBLAS 0.3.20 osx-arm64 I found it's my mistake. I expected conda-forge openblas package is installed automatically by dependency with "libblas==openblas", but only libopenblas was installed. So "openb…

Book title in Revtex bibliography bibtex - Book title in Revtex bibliography - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

VSCode terminal word separators To add "<>" to default "terminal.integrated.wordSeparators": " ()[]{}',\"`─‘’<>"

cmake memory check Making CMake work for you if (USE_SANITIZER STREQUAL "Address") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") elseif (USE_SANITIZER STREQUAL "Thread…

Color theme of ipython Write c.InteractiveShell.colors = 'Linux' in that is created by % ipython profile create for the default profile. Introduction to IPython configuration — IPython 8.1.1 documentation Specific config …

NTP on Ubuntu ... Oh no... (Japanese) UbuntuでNTPが自動起動しない件 - 動かざることバグの如し

Using finufft from python and conda-forge environment GitHub - flatironinstitute/finufft: Non-uniform fast Fourier transform library of types 1,2,3 in dimensions 1,2,3 git clone Modify make.…

MyST MyST syntax cheat sheet The MyST Syntax Guide MyST Syntax Reference

hiki (on my private server with no security consideration at my own risk) On Ubuntu 20.04 sudo apt install apache2 ruby ruby-hikidoc docdiff ruby-nokogiri ln -s ../mods-available/cgi.load ln -s ../mods-available/cgid.load ln -s ../mods-ava…

conda-forge Autotick Bot GitHub - regro/cf-graph-countyfair: Working files for the @cf-regro-autotick-bot Google Summer of Code 20…

M1 Mac environment setup 【M1 Pro/Max対応】M1 Mac環境構築ベストプラクティス - Qiita

Fix Ricty font issue on VScode writing backquote Information in the following like solved pefectly this issue: Ricty系フォントのバックチックを修正する - Koji Noshita Here, the copy of the above information is left considering the case that…

Database upgrade of postgresql from v12 to v13 The postgresql was installed using conda via conda-forge. When running conda upgrade --all, the postgresql was unintentionally updated to v13, and incompatibility of the database happened. The…

Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems CS4780/CS5780 course page | Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes

VSCode and LaTeX workshop Reference VSCode で最高の LaTeX 環境を作る #VSCode - Qiita Jump from source to preview: Ctrl+Alt+j (Command+Opt+j) Jump from preview to source : Ctrl+click (Command+click) .latexmkrc "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewe…

Kit Sebastian Ikebe Shakedown Durand Jones & The Indications Arlo Parks

Python descriptor 3. Data model — Python 3.9.6 documentation Descriptor HowTo Guide — Python 3.9.6 documentation

VSCode As a code editor, VSCode collected majority of users. Although I has been a long-time emacs user, I felt necessary to learn VSCode, considering I may have to teach scientific software development. Emacs is simply good for me, but I …

emacs useful command M-x lsp-toggle-symbol-highlight M-x unhighlight-regexp M-x isearch-forward-symbol-at-point

tmux plugins It is fairly easy to introduce tmux plugins from Tmux Plugin Manager ( % git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm Then after opening tmux, prefix + I.

conda.el M-x package-install conda Installation of lsp-jedi on macOS % pip install -U jedi-language-server or % conda install -c conda-forge jedi-language-server In emacs, M-x package-install lsp-jedi. Installation of lsp-pyright on macOS …

新人の方によく展開している有益な情報 - Qiita

Uninstallation of MiKTeX on windows by conda MiKTeX can be installed using conda on windows % conda install -c conda-forge miktex This is uninstalled by % conda uninstall miktex But if again installing it, it fails. AppData/Roaming/MiKTeX …