
Autotick Bot

GitHub - regro/cf-graph-countyfair: Working files for the @cf-regro-autotick-bot

Google Summer of Code 2020 improved automatic maintenance of conda-forge — the conda-forge blog


conda-forge status

Number of packages

conda-forge ::

Fix Ricty font issue on VScode writing backquote

Information in the following like solved pefectly this issue:

Ricty系フォントのバックチックを修正する - Koji Noshita

Here, the copy of the above information is left considering the case that the original information will be lost. with chmod 755



% find ~/Library/Fonts -name "Ricty*.ttf" | xargs -I {} fontforge -lang ff -script  {}

Database upgrade of postgresql from v12 to v13

The postgresql was installed using conda via conda-forge. When running conda upgrade --all, the postgresql was unintentionally updated to v13, and incompatibility of the database happened. The database was originally created manually at v12 so that it works as a user's permission. As a choice, I could downgrade to v12, and it worked. But I tried upgrading to make it work for v13. How to upgrade is shown by

% pg_upgrade --help

Following this, the steps I made for the upgrade are as follow:

  • Step1: mv db_dir db_dir_old
  • Step2: mkdir db_dir
  • Step3: initdb -D db_dir
  • Step4: pg_upgrade -d db_dir_old -D db_dir -b ~/.miniconda/envs/someenv/bin -B ~/.miniconda/envs/someenv/bin

VSCode and LaTeX workshop

Reference VSCode で最高の LaTeX 環境を作る #VSCode - Qiita

  • Jump from source to preview: Ctrl+Alt+j (Command+Opt+j)
  • Jump from preview to source : Ctrl+click (Command+click)
  • .latexmkrc
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab",
    "latex-workshop.intellisense.package.enabled": true,
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.zoom": "page-width",
    "latex-workshop.latex.clean.fileTypes": [
    "latex-workshop.latex.outDir": "out",
    "": [
            "name": "latexmk",
            "tools": [
    "": [
            "name": "latexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [



#!/usr/bin/env perl

# LaTeX
$latex = 'lualatex -synctex=1 -shell-escape -halt-on-error -file-line-error %O %S';
$pdflatex = $latex;
$pdf_mode = 4;
$max_repeat = 5;

# BibTeX
$bibtex = 'bibtex %O %S';
$biber = 'biber --bblencoding=utf8 -u -U --output_safechars %O %S';

# index
$makeindex = 'mendex %O -o %D %S';

# $dvipdf = 'xdvipdfmx %O -o %D %S';
# $pdf_mode = 3;

# preview
$pvc_view_file_via_temporary = 0;
if ($^O eq 'linux') {
    $dvi_previewer = "xdg-open %S";
    $pdf_previewer = "xdg-open %S";
} elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') {
    $dvi_previewer = "open -a Skim %S";
    $pdf_previewer = "open -a Skim %S";
} else {
    $dvi_previewer = "start %S";
    $pdf_previewer = "start %S";

# clean up
$clean_full_ext = "%R.synctex.gz"

LuaLatex情報 Mac をリセットしたときの環境構築 (LaTeX, Python, VSCode) #Python - Qiita

    "": [
            "name": "lualatex",
            "command": "lualatex",
            "args": [
            "env": {}
    "": [
            "name": "lualatex",
            "tools": [

VSCode and rewrap

Alt (Opt) + q to rewrap.

 "[latex]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
    "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
    "editor.rulers": [80],
    "rewrap.wholeComment": true,
    "rewrap.autoWrap.enabled": true,
    "rewrap.wrappingColumn": 80,

Formatting error on mac

[LaTeX] [Mojave] Mac で latexindent が上手く動作しないときの対処法 #Mac - Qiita

brew install perl
brew install cpanm
cpanm Log::Log4perl Log::Dispatch::File YAML::Tiny File::HomeDir Unicode::GCString


You must have `pygmentize' installed ...

minted - Pygmentize not installed error on Visual Studio Code - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange