
Release announcement The following way seems to have a sort of popularity? GitHub - dotnet/announcements: Subscribe to this repo to be notified of Announcements and changes in .NET Core. GitHub - CoreWCF/announcements: Subscribe to this re…

texlab & lsp-latex & lsp-mode It works! Thanks for the developers' efforts! GitHub - ROCKTAKEY/lsp-latex: Emacs lsp-mode client for LaTeX, on texlab. GitHub - latex-lsp/texlab: An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX Gi…

fortran-language-server & lsp-mode Emacs configuration (use-package lsp-mode :ensure t :mode (("\\.F90\\'" . f90-mode) ("\\.f03\\'" . f90-mode) ("\\.fpp\\'" . f90-mode) ("\\.pf\\'" . f90-mode) ("\\.F\\'" . f90-mode) ("\\.f\\'" . f90-mode) …

Fortranの解説 助かる! Fortran Advent Calendar 2018 - Qiita Fortran Advent Calendar 2019 - Qiita

To make dumb-jump case-insensitive I am reading a mixed-case fortran source-code. In my environment, dumb-jump can not jump from uppercase subroutine call to the lower case definition (and vise-versa). In dumb-jump, the word currently bein…

Emacs 24bit colors on tmux Setting up truecolor (24 bit color) in emacs in the terminal, under iTerm2, blink.sh, and others. · GitHub (install-terminfo-xterm-24bit.bash @localhost, @remotehost) How to display 24-bit color in Emacs on tmux(…

Manim 最近YouTubeで3Blue1Brownをを見る機会が増えた。3Blue1Brownをpythonで描けるということを次の記事で知った。 Pythonで美しい動画を作ろう - Qiita 早速macOS big sur上にインストールしてた。以下メモ。 conda cairoはbrewで入っている。ffmpegは無…