Handling difference in long type in C between unix and windows

NumPy2 lighning talk: Change `np.int`_ to `np.int64` on all platforms - HackMD

np.int64 in python and int64_t in c instead of long would be the choice...

Additional information: API: Make 64bit default integer on 64bit windows by seberg · Pull Request #24224 · numpy/numpy · GitHub

Finally it was found that dtype="int_" and dtype="long" behave differently on Windows. The latter was necessary.

Using gh to access private repos via https (e.g. when ssh not allowed)

Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access token -> Fine-grained personal access tokens

Do not forget setting "Contents : Read-only" in "Permissions".

gh auth login --with-token < github-token

If wanted to set credential.helper

gh auth refresh
[remote "origin"]
        url = https://github.com/foo/bar.git
git pull

GitHub Actions でプライベートリポジトリを checkout する (japanese)