
Using finufft from python and conda-forge environment GitHub - flatironinstitute/finufft: Non-uniform fast Fourier transform library of types 1,2,3 in dimensions 1,2,3 git clone https://github.com/flatironinstitute/finufft.git Modify make.…

MyST MyST syntax cheat sheet The MyST Syntax Guide MyST Syntax Reference

hiki (on my private server with no security consideration at my own risk) On Ubuntu 20.04 sudo apt install apache2 ruby ruby-hikidoc docdiff ruby-nokogiri ln -s ../mods-available/cgi.load ln -s ../mods-available/cgid.load ln -s ../mods-ava…

conda-forge Autotick Bot GitHub - regro/cf-graph-countyfair: Working files for the @cf-regro-autotick-bot https://github.com/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+author%3Aregro-cf-autotick-bot+archived%3Afalse+ Google Summer of Code 20…

M1 Mac environment setup 【M1 Pro/Max対応】M1 Mac環境構築ベストプラクティス - Qiita

Fix Ricty font issue on VScode writing backquote Information in the following like solved pefectly this issue: Ricty系フォントのバックチックを修正する - Koji Noshita Here, the copy of the above information is left considering the case that…

Database upgrade of postgresql from v12 to v13 The postgresql was installed using conda via conda-forge. When running conda upgrade --all, the postgresql was unintentionally updated to v13, and incompatibility of the database happened. The…

Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems CS4780/CS5780 course page | Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes

VSCode and LaTeX workshop Reference VSCode で最高の LaTeX 環境を作る #VSCode - Qiita Jump from source to preview: Ctrl+Alt+j (Command+Opt+j) Jump from preview to source : Ctrl+click (Command+click) .latexmkrc "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewe…

Kit Sebastian Ikebe Shakedown Durand Jones & The Indications Arlo Parks

Python descriptor 3. Data model — Python 3.9.6 documentation Descriptor HowTo Guide — Python 3.9.6 documentation

VSCode As a code editor, VSCode collected majority of users. Although I has been a long-time emacs user, I felt necessary to learn VSCode, considering I may have to teach scientific software development. Emacs is simply good for me, but I …

emacs useful command M-x lsp-toggle-symbol-highlight M-x unhighlight-regexp M-x isearch-forward-symbol-at-point

tmux plugins It is fairly easy to introduce tmux plugins from Tmux Plugin Manager (https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm). % git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm Then after opening tmux, prefix + I.

conda.el M-x package-install conda Installation of lsp-jedi on macOS % pip install -U jedi-language-server or % conda install -c conda-forge jedi-language-server In emacs, M-x package-install lsp-jedi. Installation of lsp-pyright on macOS …

新人の方によく展開している有益な情報 - Qiita

Uninstallation of MiKTeX on windows by conda MiKTeX can be installed using conda on windows % conda install -c conda-forge miktex This is uninstalled by % conda uninstall miktex But if again installing it, it fails. AppData/Roaming/MiKTeX …

Compilation of Quantum espresso v6.7 - PW Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 was used. OpenMPI 4.1.0 compiled with this Intel compiler was used. Compilation of OpenMPI export PATH=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/bin/intel64:…

VirtualBox upgrade on macOS Upgrading VirtualBox on macOS disabled to run VM. This was because of security setting of macOS. The following steps perhaps worked: Reboot macOS System Preferences -> Security & Privacy Unlock and pushing some …

Change timezone on linxu sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo How to Set or Change the Time Zone in Linux | Linuxize

Use conda-forge as default % cat .condarc channel_priority: strict channels: - conda-forge - defaults https://conda-forge.org/docs/user/tipsandtricks.html Header files of mkl % conda install -c conda-forge mkl-include

Use conda-forge as default % cat .condarc channel_priority: strict channels: - conda-forge - defaults https://conda-forge.org/docs/user/tipsandtricks.html

Resize windows in emacs Currently I'm using emacs in terminal. Resizing windows by mouse pointers is impossible. I need to learn the keybindings. What is most important is to resize windows evenly, which is C-x + as found below: How to cha…

Convert matplotlib imshow, contourf, and pcolormesh images to an image format Saving a plot by matplotlib imshow, contourf, or pcolormesh to a pdf file via savefig. It can be opened by Illustrator to handle it as a vector illustration. To …

Using mspyls instead of pyls On my computers, emacs often crashes with pyls. So now I'm trying mspyls. It seems python-language-server needs to be uninstalled. % pip uninstall python-language-server To let mspyls recognize a specific conda…

Useful python videos for scientists Numpy Introduction to Numerical Computing with NumPy | SciPy 2019 Tutorial | Alex Chabot-Leclerc - YouTube Python NumPy Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube Python Class Python Object Oriented Programming (O…

Numpy cdouble structure numpy/npy_common.h at b592ec8029a3c11f47ff69a42cb5470f9e60cc43 · numpy/numpy · GitHub Complex Number Objects — Python 3.9.2 documentation numpy.i: a SWIG Interface File for NumPy — NumPy v1.20 Manual c - C99 complex…

LASSO algorithm Lasso regression: implementation of coordinate descent — Data Blog

conda-forge compilers compilers 1.1.3 -> gcc 9.3.0 compilers 1.04 -> gcc 7.5.0

Coding style in Fortran? Fortran style guide — DFTB+ Developers guide 0.1 documentation Coding Standard - OpenCMISS Fortran Best Practices — Fortran90 1.0 documentation